GMT Vocational Foundation is a non-profit 501(C)(3) that is a partner with the Give Me Ten, LLC kickstart program. Our purpose is to provide a simplified career collaboration which is a benefit to the education system, business partners and students. It provides a student with a real-life opportunity to see what a skilled labor career path looks like.

GMT Vocational Foundation mission is to allow students to explore their potential in the trades industries by building bridges between education and industry assisting in the skills trades gap. GMT is committed to providing career development opportunities for all emerging skilled labor professions.

GMT assists all careers in workforce development opportunities and hopes to support professional development to grow our next work force. Career exploration connects education with business and benefits the student.

Donations from corporations, foundations and individuals is how the GMT Vocational Foundation is funded.


GMT Vocational Foundation creates bridges for students studying in the skilled trades industries between education and industry and is the solution to the skills trades gap. 

GMT utilizes grants and donations to support educators, students and partnering businesses through educating and training while creating awareness and opportunities to prepare the upcoming workforce.


GMT Vocational foundation allows students to explore their potential in the trades industries by creating opportunities between education and industry assisting in the skills trades career path.

GMT creates awareness by building opportunities for both educators and industry partners and supports all efforts through utilizing grants and sponsors to fund work-based learning experiences to build the next generation of skilled trades workforce.



GMT Vocational Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that relies exclusively on the charitable support of individuals, foundations, and businesses. Your donations support our work-based learning efforts to ensure we can provide grants for tools and equipment, scholarships for education, assistance with career pathways endorsements and any other related support for career challenges. Donate now and support our future workforce.

Make a donation.

Your donation supports our mission to keep our workforce strong by offering vital training education.

Donate Online

Want to donate by mail?

Checks can be sent to:

GMT Vocational Foundation
25446 W. Cedar Crest Lane
Lake Villa, IL 60046

Sponsor Levels

GMT Helping Hands Sponsor

$10.00 a month, (billed annually ($120.00))

Help support our efforts in supporting growth in the skilled labor fields of education and industry. For just $10.00 a month annually you will assist the GMT Vocational Foundation with much needed funding to help bridge the skills trades gap. 

*This sponsorship is unrestricted and supports our program in all areas of need.    

GMT Education Sponsor

$1,000 (annually)

This sponsorship program is designed to provide access to grants and scholarship funds that support our Give Me TEN kickstart program. If you have purchased our Give Me TEN implementation packages, consider this a great value to your package. This is renewed annually.

This annual sponsor is set up for any of the schools that purchase a Give Me TEN professional implementation package. 

GMT Industry Sponsor

$5,000 (annually))

Industry support is needed to grow our next workforce. Education is the perfect partner of growth for the future workforce. We ask you for your support as we provide the collaboration between education and industry to create a career pathway of growth. Industry sponsorship can open doors to Give Me TEN program connection. (some restriction may apply) We will recognize your business on our website as a GMT supporter and your business logo will appear on our annual raffle car at Tech Campus.


GMT Career Pathways Scholarship

$10,000 (one time)

Start a scholarship program in your business name, your name or in honor of your loved one. We will create the scholarship in the career pathway of your choice. The maximum per scholarship amount will not exceed $2,000 per student. All students will qualify for scholarship through an application process. 

All donations are tax deductible, and we will send you an acknowledgement and contribution receipt for tax purposes. The fair market values determined are the responsibility of the donor at the time of the donation. No goods or services will be provided for any donation.

Donate Online

In-Kind Donations

Your “kindness donation” is always appreciated and needed for our program’s success. You can help us by donating any of the following:

Vehicles Donations

Looking for an easy way to donate your vehicle? You’ve found it. Contact us to donate a car to help support work-based learning initiatives. Donations will provide training support, families in need, or extra funding through the sale of the vehicles after training is completed.

Tools & Equipment

New, gently used tools and equipment can support the training of our students. If we cannot use the donation the item will be sold to support the growth of the program. The money helps strengthen our programs future.

Support Donations

Non-profit organizations are always in need of support services. Help us grow by donating your time with marketing, advertising, printing, or legal advice. You help us as we grow the next workforce locally or nationally.

All donations are tax deductible, and we will send you an acknowledgement and contribution receipt for tax purposes. The fair market values determined are the responsibility of the donor at the time of the donation. No goods or services will be provided for any donation.